Rabu, 29 Jun 2011

[S.A.H.A.B.A.T] :: It's subjective!

i met my friend back...
closest relation between me and him have cause a phenomena when we were in High School...
yeah...we are too close..N' we had an argument..
it again have cause a tragedic pnenomena...hahahhaa

lookin' like both of us just like an artist right..
everyone wanna know bout us..
especially our teacher...
yeah..mene tidaakknyerr...
we are a great closest friend when we were in High Schoool..
learn together..
joining a sport club together...
uniform commitee also together..
and in 'elite' class also the way how we can show that we are close...huhuhuhu....

we had an argument again...and the 2 years story happened again...
all this because of my fuck feeling...
always thing bout bad behaviour of him...

Adam n' Daus asked me to go out with them..
and they decide to invited Syamim together..
n surprisingly..
he agree with our planned..
n tonight is the happiest night that i have...
i felt like i want sing a lot of song that have in this world...
lame xjumpe...
he only shaked my hand...
but,,,refuse to talk to me...
he said...i quite arrogant..
and he scared to talk to me...even look at my face..
that's only an excuse ok!
there's a lot of ways to get me back..
if you read this..
just talk to me...brave your word...
i'm not mad at u...just a bit disspointed..
believe me...
u as my friend...and always in my heard dear fren...

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idea your word!