Ahad, 21 April 2013

Tow Foo Fah Sedap!

Kali ini Chef nk cerite plak makanan yang seterusnya..
yakni makanan yg telh dirasa olh Chef lah!
haruslah dah rase..klo x..mcm mne Chef nk komen..

La ni...
maybe dlm kategory dessert..atau mat salleh kate 'Pencuci Mulut'..
Some story,, Chef mmg suke betol kt makanan ni..
dari kecik smpilah sekarang...
pade mulenyerr (mase kecik2) Chef ingtkn makanan tradisi orang melayu..
mane xnyerr...time ramadhan kompem ade...pasar malam pown ade..dan yg jualnyerr pown org melayu..
so...otak pown memproses dan mengatekn nilah makanan org melayu..
tetapi disangkal plak sekarang ni..

Name Produk  :: Tow Foo Fah
Pembuat  :: Melayu
Harga :: RM 2.00
Klasifikasi :: Pencuci Mulut
Rate  ::  5.5 star!
Tekstur :: Lembut dan manis

ha! uolz nmpk ape yg Chef nmpk... ni laaaa tow foo fah yg 
org melayu buat and jual kt pasar2 yg sewaktu dengannyerrr...
nmpk sedapknzzz...? tp ni biase2 jerr...sebab Chef da rase yang 
originality dr bangse yg mencipta resipi tow foo fah ni! Iaitu bangse Cine...
mmg sedap beb! tp harge nyer xde r semurah yg org melayu jual...

Nama Produk :: Tow Foo Fah
Pembuat  :: I love Yoo Restaurant (Chinese with Halal Cert)
Harga :: RM 5.50++
Tekstur :: Lembut dan manis
Rate  :: 7 star!

Nampakan perrbezaan antara due gambar dari pengeluar tow foo fah ni...
even kurang dr ilustrasinyerr..
tp Chef dah makan..dan rasenyerrr sangat2 sedap..
dan berbaloiilah jika hargenyerr 2x lebh mahal...
sebab..quality worth quality..
SO,, if any one yg nk try tow foo fah sedap ni...
just visit their outlet in Malaysia..dont worry..
they are certified Halal and no added any illegal ingredients inside...
btw,, pasti uolzz bakal jeles sebab..Chef da dpt resipi dan rahsia bagaimane nk buatkn tow foo fah tu lembut dari staff yg bekerja dengan 'I Love Yoo' ni sendiri...so..nnt leyh laaa chef buat sendiri...hahahaha...

Untuk list menu yg lain..uolzzz just visit their web http://www.iloveyoo.com.my...!
Yang lain pown sedap...
suggest ::  Sesame Cakoi and Red Bean Fried Pau...
mmg sedap ooo...!

Khamis, 11 April 2013

KFC - Spicy Korean Crunch

Food Name :: KFC Spicy Korean Crunch
Price :: RM 15+ / per 3 piece + 4pcs of wedges + potato coslelaw +soft drink
Rate :: 5.5 Star

KFC..sape xknal..
dr budak2 smpilah ke atok nenek smuernyerr melantak xhengat duniekn...!
especiallylah Chef! sedap mmg sedap..
diperkaye dengan 11 jenis herba dan idea recipe dr Colonel kanzz..mmg terbaekklah!
Faveret Chef klo kt KFC ni ofkozlah Spicy Chicken Combo KFC..mmg xkn pilih yg lain lah..
then, Chef pown ske jgak Potato Cheezy Wdges dye ( lagi best klo ade triple yg mase past promotion diorang )  ngan coslelaw..

The lastest promotion by KFC..nilah dye *KFC Spicy Korean Crunch* hahahaha...name terbaek..
tp..bg Chef i would b prefer to choose the original recipy one..
Indah kabar dari promotionnyer je yg mampooo Chef katekan..
Bg cheff mmg laa xsedap..spicy kureng..crunch pown kureng..
lg satu side dish promo KFC pown kurang menepati citarasa Chef yg down dr segi campuran bahan utama dlm side dish depa.. Salad coslelaw yg biase tu pown da memadai kot!

tp..xpe..that was nice effort..btw, in bussiness field promotion is the factor of success also taking risk is the life of bussiness..
Gud job! tp better hentikanlah if not peristiwe 'Thai Spicy Crunch' dulu bakal menghantui KFC..
btw,, klo sape2 yg still xcube..go and try it! taste it and then comment it...sedap or not..

**Selamat mencube**

Rabu, 10 April 2013

My Convo day! almost and close!

nampak ape gambr yg di atas dipaparkan...?
Ofkoslah...sesuatu yang diimpi2kn oleh semua bakal Graduan di Malaysia dan di dunia kanzz...?

Ok! Ini menunjukan yg Chef bakal Graduate dlm mase yg terdekat nih....huhuhuee...
Gumbiranya hati beta...bila ini semua bakal jadi kenyataan setelah berkurun lamenyerr...hohoh..
yelaaa..mne xlamenyerr..dulu janji lepas 2 1/2 tahun je grad! tp..ni da bertahun kowt! alasan akan convo selepas setahun plak! sangat alasan!.. never mind..putar balikan fakta! Chef faham..huh!

Btw,, the things is..i'm going to convo by next month!
1st..my lect sent me a mcg by facebook to contact her ASAP to get know bout the convocation day and rehearsel by calling her as she gave her number along the conversation..
ok then,, my sista excitedly called me after 2 hours i got a mcg from my registra to inform me a formal letter from my college 'jaminan kecermelangan anda' to announce i'm one of the student will join The 17th Graduation Ceremony by 3rd and 4th May this year with extra fees that need pay by me as IPTS student..ok sabar...da bayar 20k then kene tambah another 200..?? pokai maakkkk!

Btw..it is okay...and i promises i'll not return to join that kind of organization and will ensure my generation..my related will not TERJEBAK with this college anymore...bukan nk burukan right...? but paham2lah!

So...i'll wait my day...and GO for ever!

Isnin, 1 April 2013

Coconut Milk Yummy!

Everytime bile post2 Chef...
mesti about makanan kan...??
so.. this time berkenan hati beta untuk post entry pasal minuman kegemaran beta plak!

bunyik mcm kampungan sngt tp...! rase ala2 British mixed ngan Mat Salleh..hahahah...mak jemah sngt!

so...nilah die Drink of The Day Chef by 1st April 2013..

Coconut Milk Shake!

Food Name :: Coconut Shake
Price :: RM 3.20
Taste  :: Cool and sweet as coconut + Choice of Ice Cream

Nampak mcm eeeuwwwwhhh,,,tp menyelerakan!
trylah skali minuman ala2 british campur ngan mat salleh ni...hahahaha

bknyerr ape...tp mase Chef jalan2 shoping2..
tekak ni panas..nk crik jelly kelape..tp yg hadddooo Coconut Shake ni..
so...balloonn jolah yo!

So, sape yg nk mencubo,,trylah! best!

Curry Lakas Sedap!

Curry Laksa

Price :: RM 10.90++
Taste :: Spicy and sedap!
Salers :: The Chicken Rice Shop

Nah! Sape taw ni ape...??
Ofkos smuerrr org taw ni ape kn...

xpe..xpe...biar Chef gtaw...
ni lah org melayu ckp 'Curry Laksa'..omputih ckp Mee Kari..

btw,, ni laaa one of the famous noodle yg Chef suke taw...especially the 'kuah' yg pekat,likat, pedas dan sedap tuh!
Hah! korunk nk taw mne nk dptkn mee kari a.k.a Curry Laksa yg sedap...
ofkoslaaa kt The Chicken Rice  Shop..bukan sekadar nasi ayam...hahahhaa...

oppss..bkn nk promot...! tp..mmg kesahihannyerrr sedap! cubalah...
nanti gtaw Chef..sedap ke x yerrrkkk! Try ur best!