Khamis, 8 Ogos 2013

Hari Raya!

Asslamualaikum! Or should be Selamat Hari  Raya Aidilfitri to all muslimin entire world!

SO! after a month we all having fasting month or Ramadhan season and now this is the time for Eidulfitri Celebration....
Lemang, ketupat and rendang are necessary by the eid morning or most known as eidulfitri meal!
Also for kids! They are waiting for 'Duit Raya' and getting along their friends visiting their closest family..not forget for the adult to preparing their needs!
'Kuih raya' or 'Eid Cookies' formly a traditional cookies serve to the guest with side meals like fried noodles, nasi beriyani, lontong etc...
Most of the Malaysian chose to invite all their friends when 'open house' easier thn accpting one to one guest in a time...
These is some of the information about Malay Festival in those wanna to feels how Malaysia celebrate their multi races festival..just come to would b interesting to have it in your visit place list!

SO to Malaysian and Muslim...


Salam Lebaran, Chef Eiz a.k.a Muhammad Muizzu Bin Mohd Noor..
Salam perantauan buat semua!

Rabu, 7 Ogos 2013

Last puase!

hari ni rase sayup je kan..?
know last puase and I still working not like the past years yg Chef dah get ready kt dapor with others ingredients to start cook for my family and coming guest...
so sad right..?
also same for tomorrow and for the second raye...and the third i'll b on leave untill 6th eidulfitri...but i still gracefull coz still get and allowed to have this long holidays than others which not get their holidays for raye..its working attitude!

btw, the main reasons for this entry is to wish all muslim and muslimah ethier malaysian or not Happy to celebrate Eidulfitri Celebration...Ampun dan maaf dari diri ini andai hati pernah mengguris perasaan, kata yang menghiris perkataan, perbuatan yang menjangkau perbatasan, atau ape2 kesalahan yang dilakukn...

so guys, do celebrate this...once a year..should b happy yawww... 
maybe this is my 1st experiences celebrating eidulfitri as a Manager and on duty on the day..But its okaaayyy as long it called experiences right...? enjoy b happy!

so again!

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin yaaawww!

ikhlasss dari Chef Muhammad Muizzu bin Mohd Noor
Edisi raye 07/08/2013 diperantauan..(sangat perantauan)

Selasa, 30 Julai 2013

Aq merindui kamu!

ingtkan last post pagi tadi...
tp tetibe plak tangan ni gatal nk post something...
Chef hope this eidulfitri will give me something surprisingly..
Chef bru je stalk blog seseorang ni..
Maybe i just can said seseorang yang dah almost 6-7years Chef xbercakap..
even kalo Chef cakap pown u all xkan nk percaye sngt! it bit impossible..but remember, nothing impposible in this world...when HE said will and it goin to b..

Seriously..I missed him..
I want to hold his hand..give all my attention to him as before i failed to do so..
being apart of mylife till end of my soul..
and hope this eid will show and i get an apportunity to feel siblings world like others..
For that long time, i really regret and will never let the apportunity gone again...
Sesungguhnya, aku amat menyia2kan peluang yang ada...
Hope he'll realize that i'm always look and take an eyes in everything he did..
concern bout...and do get inform..

Btw, just only to say!
I proud to have him as my brother! My only brother that i had in this world..
Really hope for a mirracle for this Ramadhan and Syawal will change everything..
Believe me my dear! I will never let it happen again..
enough all this time with this such a silly problem..
and i admitted all this my fault..and it b'coz of my ego..

That's all my dear..Thanks if i get a chance to huge u as other do it!

Kerja dan K E R J A

Morning guys! Ni maybe entry Chef yang terakhir sebelum Chef kene masuk kerja petang ni...
Alaaaaa, dah habis cuti kerrr? rase mcm xcuti je..huhue..
btw, kehidupan dan kerja bagi orang yang sudah ber'karier' macam Chef ni haruslah tempuhi dengan tanpa perasaan mengeluh even hakikatnyer memang dah mengeluh bagai dah ni..

Kerja..K.E.R.J.A dan [K][E][R][J][A]... sekarang ni kalau dah tak kerja tak ramai yang pandang...semua yang bakal suami even bakal isteri pun nk yang berkerjaya kan...? perasan tak..? so, thats mean inflasi kat negara kita ni, Malaysia memeng meningkat kaw2x..!  dua2 kene bekerja..klu x..xmeraselah hidup mewah..jadi makan pagi kais pagi...makan petang kais petanglah!

Nilah habuannyer selepas membanting tulang selame 28 atau 29 atau 30 atau 31 hari...ade mase lain ker...?
Gaji....!!!! yang semua orang idamkan..termasuklah Chef jgak kannnzzz..!
tp Chef ade due kali gaji..xtermasuklah insentif or any jobs insentif yang masuk...hehehehe..
it's on 15th and 30th every month...
Rasenyerr ramai juga yang 'excited'  bile hari2x gaji kan...? tapi cer tngok after seminggu..hahaha..sedih ya rabbhi...
bayar kerete, rumah, 30% je untuk enjoys!
so u all..kee berjimatlah dengan ekonomi Malaysia yang x menentu ni..
klo mcm Chef plak..pasang strategi kerja Restaurant, tp xlaa yang cikai2x...francais type...
so...makan minum dah tanggung + plak company support rumah ngan transport xyah pkey dah...
yang betol2 Chef  berkotmitmen kereta, PTPTN loan, credit loans and especially month assurance to MA & PA lah...! to anak2 please laaa bagi sumbangan sikit dekat mak bapak u all tuh..

Hari ni Chef tertarik nk post entry pasai keje sebab semenjak dua menjak tiga menjak ni...
Chef kene work stress...bnyk bende nk pkey even minx cuty 2 hari powm mcm kje jgak! not fair kan...?
rase mcm nk campak je henfon dlm longkang..
Tp xpelah! it experiences...
i ready to accept the challenges! huhue! over semangat...

btw, to all yang bakal menyambut and yg dah comfirm dapat cuti beraye tahun..
use it wisely k! do having your festive with your beloved one..dont let them upset, care them and giving your full attentions..maybe someday they will never get some from u..cheeewah! bermadah plak pepagi bute ni...

Okaaay! to all...

Salam Mubarak,,Chef Eiz...Celebrate with luv!

Isnin, 29 Julai 2013

Spagetthi Carbonara with Grilled Garlic Chicken

Harini macam entry Chef tengahari tadi Chef cakap nk masak 'something' untuk family Chef kan..?
So..once again i did it..!
Maybe ini adalah hidangan terakhir Chef untuk Ramadhan kali ini and haraplah sesangat yg Chef akan terus memasak bukan shaja untuk family Chef saje tapi manelah tahu kan ade plak yang nk minx Chef buat private dinner untuk some couple kn utk aniversary diorang ke...or maybe candle light dinner kan...!
hahahaha..over berangan..!
this wil ever being my Hobby for ever and i'll never stop than diong this faveret Hobby...!

So, here they are..

Ha! This one Spagetthi Carbonara with Grilled Garlic Chicken as usual Chef mmg suke dengan ingredients yang berunsurkan Garlic, Onion and others even Chef pown suke makan 'lemongrass' (serai) yang dah masak dlm rendang or! Untuk spagetthi ni Chef just gune simple je..yg penting ade garlic, onions, cheese, fresh milk, 2 type of mushroom there are button mushroom as well and chinese mushroom, blended chicken to twist the taste, black pepper and salt! thats all..easy right...? nothing is impossible...even Chef pown actly suke masak sendiri than beli kat luar yang belum tentu kualiti tip top as i cooked by myself!

This is Pavlova..or maybe someone never knows about it..maybe they will think it is a cake or any type of dessert...same goes to me before untill my friend introduces my this type of dessert...
the ingredients is sooooo simple mimple but the method to complete itself so complicated if we have no heavy duty mixer..your arm will become mucles because need to whisk it immediately without fail until it became soft, whity and shining..even if u turn the mixing bowl the white egg not goes down...incredible..i do it as manually till 3 person involved! hahahahah~~
Ingredients, just 5pcs of white egg..gula castor, and tepung jagung..important to remind all equipment must free from watery and oil! if consider as fail! me...

Huh! this...the important course in every meals set! drink!
easy and simple but will effect u much!
i just use 4pcs of Lychee, Lychee concentrate and Tea 'o'...for sure a lot of ice!..than...
wallaaaah! enjoy your breakfasting...

That's all for my reviewing today! hope all of u enjoy to read my entry this time...
Pleasure to write it experience, explore and share!

Salam Mubarak,,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Destiny - Misha Omar

What if i never knew

What if i never found you

I'd never have this feeling in my heart

How did this come to be

I dont know how you found me

But from the moment i saw you

Deep inside my heart i knew

Baby you're my destiny

You and me were meant to be

With all my heart and soul

I give my love to have and to hold

And as far as i can see

You were always meant to be my destiny

I wanted someone like you

Someone that i could hold on to

And give my love until the end of time

But forever was just a word

Something i'd only heard about

But i now you're always there for me

When you say forever i believe

Baby you're my destiny

You and me were meant to be

With all my heart and soul

I give my love to have and to hold

And as far as i can see

You were always meant to be my destiny

Maybe all we need is just a lilttle faith

Cause baby i believe that love will find the way

Baby you're my destiny

You and i were meant to be

With all my heart and soul

I give my love to have and hold

And as far as i can see

For now until eternity

You were always meant to be my destiny...

Salam,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Break Fasting Planning!

Hai! mesti korang semua da tahukan hari ni hari yang ke berapa kita semua berpuasa? Ofkoslah hari yang ke-20 kan? so, penuh ke? jeng3x..
btw, its okay as long korang taw sendiri ibadah puasa kan? even korang pown dah besar panjang jadi bukan tanggungjawab Chef plak nak nasihat korang semua..

Hari ni hari yang ke-2 Chef bercuti, btw mmg xrilekslah! sebab dari pagi sampai malam e-mail + call + mesej dari boss asyik je ganggu Chef. Kalau xangkat bising kalau matikan fon rasa serba salah plak sejak dah pegang status 'Store-In-Charge' ni..besar pulak 'mata yang memandang berat lgi bahu yang memikul'..

Its sokay! actly bukan perkara tu yang Chef nak post entry kali 'planning' nk masak ape untuk berbuka pada hari ke-20 berpuasa tahun ni...
semalam dan ketimuran xlaaa timur,selatan jgak sebab Chef masak Spicy Rendang Tok! as usual kalau Chaf balik kampung bercuti, ayah mesti nak makan Rendang Tok, sedap katenyerr lembut dan empuk xmacam rendang beli kat luar!..
Semalam, dengan rela hatinyerr Chef dah cakap kat diorang semua yang hari ni ubah citarasa sikitlah! 
Plan Chef nk masak westernise ape ek? jeng3x...
Pavlova for Dessert, Maincourse Spagetthi Carbonara with Grilled Topping Buttered Chicken for main course dan Spicy Kerabu Manggo for Apptizer..drink? Lychee Mint Tea ..

so, i'll try to give my family my bestiest for this final week of Ramadhan as maybe i'll not with them in this final days of Ramadhan because of Work desease..hahaha~ cruel!

to all! Selamat berbuka puase!

Salam,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Khamis, 11 Julai 2013

Tips untuk berbuka puasa Chef Eiz..!

Sekarang dah masok hari ke-2 ramadhan kan...? hope all goes well..
ramai yg antare uoll yg tercari2 tempat buke puase kan...? sbb first malas nk masak tu dah lumrah and the femes excuse semua org jawab..
then...xpelaa yg mampoo utk berbelanje berbuka kt luar...
xde mase..and much prefer utk makan kt luar sebab xtaw masak..

hokeeeyy! to those yg decide nk makan kt luar..xjadik masalah...
tp! berpatutan k.. Chef nk bagi tips klo sesape yg memilih utk makan kt tempt2 mewah or specific tmot ade cawangan and brands outlet such of kopitiam, The CHicken Rice Shop, KFC atau yg seangkatan yg menyediakan table service...

Ofkoslah Chef taw..
most of the francaiser lebih memilih or mendesak outlet manager diorang utk buat promotion...
jadi uolls klo nk makan kt tmpt2 mcm ni..kene buat pilihan yg tepat dan padat such as::-

1) Pilih makanan yg uolls nk makan je! jgn meraban2 nk pilih yg xsesuai dengn selere k!
2) Prefer ambil set siap dengan air sekali sbb itu lebh murah!
3) Kalau set yg disediakan tu banyak..pilih set yg semue produk dlm set kite makan dan menepati selera walaupun kat set tu tulis jimat RM 5.00..sbb kite akan jimat RM5 kalau kite makan smuer product yg dihidangkan...klo xmakan...pembaziran dan xjimat namenyerr!
4) Cari set promotion such as lunch prmotion dinner promo..bkn seasonal promo atau new set promo sbb set seasonal dan new set promo ni lebih mahal tp xkompem sedap atau x...
5) Gunekn kad discount yg kite ade such as Kad Discount 1 Malaysia OR Kad Discount Student 1 Malaysia atau yg lain2nyerr...
6) Yang seelok2nyerr...makan secare berhemat dan berhemah...
7) Jangan order air dan makanan secare berasingan atau ala carte' sebab air untuk ala carte' sahaje boleh mencecah RM 5.00 segelas hanye untuk segelas air cincau kosong...!!!!
segale idea yg kat atas ni hanya utk restoran mewah or yg mahal2 je k...manelah taw org yg biase2 mcm kite nk jgak rase makan kt tmpt2 mahal ni..lagi2 bulan puase kanzzz..

Maybe korunk ade idea2 lain utk berjimat di bulan Ramdhan ni kannnzz...
Almaklumlah...bukan Ramadhan kat Malaysia ni disambut macam Pesta Makan..makan xhengat dunie...
tp..kt Mesir..Arab smuerr mereke menyambut secare serdahana dan mengutamakan ibadat ..

So...buat pilihan yg bijak! utamakan ibadat kurangkan pembaziran..kerana membazir itu amalan syaitan...!
tp ingatlah!
Motip utama berpuasa adalah..

"Menahan diri dari segala perkara yang boleh membatalkan puasa sepeti nafsu makan..berbelanje mewah atau berlebih2...menahan kata2 atau mengumpat..menundukan mata dan lain2.."

dan...ingt pade mereka yg dalam kesusahan untuk menikmati kemewahan seperti yg kite dpt selama ini...dengan erti kata lain...  'bersyukur'..

Pada yg sesape xtaw niat tu....let's check it out..!

Salam,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Sabtu, 6 Julai 2013

'Grilled Garlic Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce and Baked Potato Ring Onion Layer'

Kalau pagi tdy Chef masak Grilled Chicken Chop but dengan mushroom soup...
malam plak for dinner...tangan Chef rase gatal plak still nk masak Chicken Chop tp version lain...
ayam ni Chef masak dengan method baked, this dishes lebh sihatlah!
Juri2 awam kat rumah ni yg rase hidangan ni bagi 5 star... 5 over 5! btw...FYI my family ni mmg tough critic! smuer bende nk kritik...makanan..pkaian..nyanyian...perjlnan..
so! ape2 yg Chef masak kompem diorang pown nk kritik...alhamdulillah...diorang puas ngan ape yg Chef buat utk lunch diorang..ngan dinner...thanks!

So! nilah ape yg Chef masak utk Malam ni...let's Check it out...!

'Grilled Garlic Chicken with Black Pepper Sauce and Baked Potato Ring Onion Layer'
amboi! komain panjang namo eh..! btw it deserved b'coz of it taste! huhue!

So! Ingredients yg Chef gune pown xlaaa extra france sngt..bahan2 kampong je...atleast rase international sngt! huhuhu~~

For Grilled Garlic Chicken ( Master Model)

4pcs Quater Chicken yg telah di debone -bahagian tight and drumstik- (Chicken Chop)
½ labu bawang putih yg dicincang halus ( Fine Chop )
4 biji bawang merah yg dicincang halus ( Fine Chop )
1 labu bawang besar yang didau ( dice )
3 sudu besar minyak masak ( prefer virgin olive oil for health )
Pepper Powder and Black Pepper Powder..
4 sudu tepung gandum..
Garam.. ( secukupnya )

Care2nyerr ::-

Basuh, bersihkan dan toskan ayam yg telah di debone..
masukan chopped garlic, shallot and dice onion..
masukkan minyak..taburkan pepper and black pepper powder...
gaul sebati...
masukkan garam..dan taburkan tepung gandum...
rehatkan sebentar ayam selama 10-15 minit..
Panaskan oven selama 10 minit..dan susun ayam tersebut di atas jejaring..letak baki ramuan yg tersisa di ayam tdy as gravy..
Bakar selama 20-30 minit sehingga ayam bewarna keemasan..dengan suhu 200⁰c..

Black Pepper Sauce

½ labu bawang putih yg dicincang halus mulus.. ( Fine Chop
 ½ labu bawang besar yg didadu ( dice )
majerin planta 1 sudu besar
90 gram black pepper powder ( ikut kesesuaian rasa, kalau mahu rase yg lebh..letak lebih! )
Stock Ayam @ Kiub ayam 2 kiub ( Dilarutkan dlm air panas 2liter )
Tepung Jagung yg dilarutkan dengan air..
**kalau mahukan biji lada sulah yg dikisar halus juga dipertimbangkan..

Care2nyer ::-
Panaskan majerin dan tumiskan (saute') garlic and dice onion..jangan tumis terlalu lame..
masukan chicken stock..biarkan sehingga mendidih..
kecilkan api...masukan black pepper powder seberape bnyk mengikut citarasa diikuti dengan gaulan mesra selalu...( Tolong rasa )..
masukan pepper powder dan perasakan dengan garam...
Dengan api yg kecil, masukan larutan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikacau perlahan2..
**Pastikan kepekatan sos tidak terlalu pekat kerana bila sudah sejuk sos akan memekat 2x ganda jika menggunakan tepung jagung..
Apabila kepekatan sos dah sesuai dngn kehendak...tutup api dan angkt..

Baked Potato Ring Onion Layer

5 biji kentang yg dipotong bulat memanjang dengn ketebalan 1.5cm..
1 kiub stock ayam..
3 biji bawang putih yg dicincang halus mulus..
Pepper Powder dan black pepper powder..
3 labu bawang besar yg dipotong bulat dngn ketebalan 1 cm..
Minyak (prefer virgin olive oil)

Care2nyerr ::-

Penyediaan Baked Potato 

Rebus kentang, masukan ½ kiub stok ayam dan masak  sehingga ¾ masak..
angkat dan toskan..
salutkan kentang dengan black pepper powder, pepper powder dan garam..
Susun di atas jejaring dan bakar di dlm oven dngn suhu 200⁰c selama 4 minit.. (buat Ring Onion Layer)

Penyediaan Ring Onion Layer

Setelah bawang besar di potong bulat..
pisahkan setiap gelung antara gelungnya..
keringkan...masukan ½ kiub stok ayam bawang putih, pepper powder, black pepper powder dan digaul sebati..
Setelah 'Baked Potato' dibakar selama 4minit..keluarkan..
susunkan 'Ring Onion' yg diperap di atas setiap kentang yg telah dibakar..
taburkan minyak di setiap kepingan kentang..
Setelh selesai..masukan semula kedlm oven dan bakar lagi 3 minit..
Kemudian! siap sedialah kesemua resipi ini...

Setelah semua bahan telah siap...
Platinglah kesemua bahan seperti di atas...selain kentang coslelaw pown boleh jgak!

So, ingat pesan Chef..
Plating is the first impression to delicious!

Kepada yg nk mencuba! cubalah..pastinya sihat..
Less Fat Less Calory Less Salt Double Up Healthy!

Salam,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Chop Garlic Chicken Chop with Grilled Garlic Potato

Today 6th July 2013..
my holiday! after 3 days worked fullshift! tired but..not at all..
i still can survive myself in anymatter of what!..

When i off..i'll decide to cook something for giving my body full of nutritious or something that i can show my cares to my own body and wellness.. for my lunch! i already cook a nutrious western dish as my fav since i was in standard 5!
It's Chicken Chop! normly one of the fav complete food in Malaysia..
but, in western Chicken Chop is just like a 'bread' for ' Malaysian please dont to fanatic with those of their simple food..
but we can make it complicated and more delicious than they and others expected!
So, today is what i done..

It named as Chop Garlic Chicken Chop with Grilled Garlic Potato as my entree title..
yess..i changed it to healthy food as normly Chicken Chop cooked based on Deep Fried or Saute' method but..
i success to chaged it to grilled or this time i baked it in the i do not need a lot of oil to fried it..
while in all my dishes i used a lot of aromatic and herbs so that will allow our blood flows easily as some of the chinese belief..such as ginger, garlic, onions shallots, lemon grass and some of virgin olive oil..maybe this such of ingredient just a simple one...but did u all realize that those things will effect much for blood? think it!
Then, for the sides, i decided to use carbohydrates based of grilled potatoes with chopped garlic and the sauce i just saute' the chopped ingredients to let it produce good smells and pour some chicken stock together with black pepper and chopped button mushroom...

also...i twice the HL good milk into roses HL milk for my bev! so..walllaaah! here my lunch..

Chop Garlic Chicken Chop with Grilled Garlic Potato

Recipy...?? hahahaa...still not get it as standard recipy...
i just make it like i knoe the ingredient before...
so...once i write it 'll post it immediately ohkaayyy...
to any one succes creat their own recipy for lovely nice Chicken Chop...
waalllllah! gud job! i shared this becoz i only cook my fav dishes..and i had to try it..

note :: /// sharing is caring...right...?

Salam,Chef Eiz...cook with luv!

Jumaat, 28 Jun 2013

Hainanese Chicken Rice ohsem!

Hype! Hye everyone! long time no see hu...? 
btw it's okay..
now Chef took 3 days for leaves..saje nk rehatkn otakkks!'s all right..
tp..pagi tdy Chef saje je offer family nk makan ape,, in case of dah lame Chef xmasak otk depa...
and know what..they want i cook "Hainanese Chicken Rice" for them..hah! menganjing aq laaa tuh...
btw,, i'll not to gve any excusse..

"Hainanese Chicken Rice With Chillies mar Baked Chicken !"

"Carrot Lite Soup"

Klo nk try...try laaa....ade recpy yg boleyh dikongsi...btw, simple sje jeh...trylah!

Hainanese Chicken Rice

2 labu bawang putih dikopek dan dicincang..
2 labu bawang besar dikopek dan dicincang halus..
daun pandan 2 keping dibilas dan diikat kemas..
Serbuk Stok ayam..
Stok ayam secukunyerr dibancuh dengan air..
beras yang dibasuh dengan bersih dan dikeringkan..
serai 2 btg dititik..halia 3 inci..minyak dan majerin secukupnyerr...

1st step,, Panaskan minyak dan cairkan mentega dalam minyak yang panas...
kemudian saute atau tumiskan bawang putih dan bawang besar...masukan daun pandan, serai dan halia yang telah dititik..tumis sehingga naik bau tapi bukan garing!
kemudian masukan sedikit air stok (bukan semua) dan masukan serbuk stock ayam..campurkan sehingga sebati..masukkan beras yg dibasuh dan akhiri dengan bancuhan stok ayam dan ukur seperti biase dengan jari..biarkan nasi ditanak sehingga masak...

Chillies mar Baked Chicken

2 ekor ayam yang di potong 16..
majerin @ planta secukupnyer...
10 batang cili kering yang dikisar halus..
bawang putih 1/2 labu di kopek dan dicincang...
1labu bawang besar yg dikopek dan dicincang...
pepper powder dan blacnk pepper powder secukupnyerr...
Minyak zaiton juga secukupnyerr...

keringkan ayam yang telah dipotong dengan strainer..
taburkan sebati bawang besar dan bawang putih...
taburkan juga pepper dan black pepper powder ke atas ayam yg  telah dikeringkan...
masukan minyak zaiton dan planta...kemudian gaul dengan sebati agar semua bahagian ayam mengenai bahan yang diperam..
masukan dalam peti sejukan selama 30 minit..
setelah itu,  keluarkan dan susun di atas jejaring oven..
Bakar ayam pada suhu 250⁰c selama 30 minit...

Carrot Lite Soup

Stock ayam dibancuh dengan air secukupnyerr...
2 batang lobak merah dipotong sabit..
bawang putih 5 ulas..
bawang besar 1 biji..
planta sesudu..

panaskan mentega dan tumiskan bwg putih dan besar sehingga mengeluarkan bau tapi bukan garing!...
masukan lobak merah dan tunggu selama 3 minit..
masukan stok ayam sedikit demi sedikit sehingga penuh...
perasa kan sup anda..
(ingat! penyediaan sup ini haruslah tidak hangus pada proses menumis dan memasukan stock secare berterusan atau tidak sekaligus adalah penting untuk memastikan sup anda jernih)

Sebenarnyer..klo dilihat dari name resipi ni pown kompem Chinese Cuisine..
Actly mmg Chinese Cuisine pown! Chef dulu penah jgak kje di sebuah restoran Cina terkenal di Malaysia..
and tahu laaa serba sedikit kate rugi klo kite dah keje kt sesebuah restoran tp xtaw, this the hasil! tp diubah suai sikitlaaaa supaye owner xsaman chef sbb dedahkn rahsie resipinyerr...

Then! walllaaaaah! selamat menjamu selera...!

Salam,Chef Eiz...

Ahad, 21 April 2013

Tow Foo Fah Sedap!

Kali ini Chef nk cerite plak makanan yang seterusnya..
yakni makanan yg telh dirasa olh Chef lah!
haruslah dah rase..klo x..mcm mne Chef nk komen..

La ni...
maybe dlm kategory dessert..atau mat salleh kate 'Pencuci Mulut'..
Some story,, Chef mmg suke betol kt makanan ni..
dari kecik smpilah sekarang...
pade mulenyerr (mase kecik2) Chef ingtkn makanan tradisi orang melayu..
mane xnyerr...time ramadhan kompem ade...pasar malam pown ade..dan yg jualnyerr pown org melayu..
so...otak pown memproses dan mengatekn nilah makanan org melayu..
tetapi disangkal plak sekarang ni..

Name Produk  :: Tow Foo Fah
Pembuat  :: Melayu
Harga :: RM 2.00
Klasifikasi :: Pencuci Mulut
Rate  ::  5.5 star!
Tekstur :: Lembut dan manis

ha! uolz nmpk ape yg Chef nmpk... ni laaaa tow foo fah yg 
org melayu buat and jual kt pasar2 yg sewaktu dengannyerrr...
nmpk sedapknzzz...? tp ni biase2 jerr...sebab Chef da rase yang 
originality dr bangse yg mencipta resipi tow foo fah ni! Iaitu bangse Cine...
mmg sedap beb! tp harge nyer xde r semurah yg org melayu jual...

Nama Produk :: Tow Foo Fah
Pembuat  :: I love Yoo Restaurant (Chinese with Halal Cert)
Harga :: RM 5.50++
Tekstur :: Lembut dan manis
Rate  :: 7 star!

Nampakan perrbezaan antara due gambar dari pengeluar tow foo fah ni...
even kurang dr ilustrasinyerr..
tp Chef dah makan..dan rasenyerrr sangat2 sedap..
dan berbaloiilah jika hargenyerr 2x lebh mahal...
sebab..quality worth quality..
SO,, if any one yg nk try tow foo fah sedap ni...
just visit their outlet in Malaysia..dont worry..
they are certified Halal and no added any illegal ingredients inside...
btw,, pasti uolzz bakal jeles sebab..Chef da dpt resipi dan rahsia bagaimane nk buatkn tow foo fah tu lembut dari staff yg bekerja dengan 'I Love Yoo' ni leyh laaa chef buat sendiri...hahahaha...

Untuk list menu yg lain..uolzzz just visit their web!
Yang lain pown sedap...
suggest ::  Sesame Cakoi and Red Bean Fried Pau...
mmg sedap ooo...!

Khamis, 11 April 2013

KFC - Spicy Korean Crunch

Food Name :: KFC Spicy Korean Crunch
Price :: RM 15+ / per 3 piece + 4pcs of wedges + potato coslelaw +soft drink
Rate :: 5.5 Star

KFC..sape xknal..
dr budak2 smpilah ke atok nenek smuernyerr melantak xhengat duniekn...!
especiallylah Chef! sedap mmg sedap..
diperkaye dengan 11 jenis herba dan idea recipe dr Colonel kanzz..mmg terbaekklah!
Faveret Chef klo kt KFC ni ofkozlah Spicy Chicken Combo KFC..mmg xkn pilih yg lain lah..
then, Chef pown ske jgak Potato Cheezy Wdges dye ( lagi best klo ade triple yg mase past promotion diorang )  ngan coslelaw..

The lastest promotion by KFC..nilah dye *KFC Spicy Korean Crunch* terbaek.. Chef i would b prefer to choose the original recipy one..
Indah kabar dari promotionnyer je yg mampooo Chef katekan..
Bg cheff mmg laa xsedap..spicy kureng..crunch pown kureng..
lg satu side dish promo KFC pown kurang menepati citarasa Chef yg down dr segi campuran bahan utama dlm side dish depa.. Salad coslelaw yg biase tu pown da memadai kot!

tp..xpe..that was nice effort..btw, in bussiness field promotion is the factor of success also taking risk is the life of bussiness..
Gud job! tp better hentikanlah if not peristiwe 'Thai Spicy Crunch' dulu bakal menghantui KFC..
btw,, klo sape2 yg still xcube..go and try it! taste it and then comment it...sedap or not..

**Selamat mencube**

Rabu, 10 April 2013

My Convo day! almost and close!

nampak ape gambr yg di atas dipaparkan...?
Ofkoslah...sesuatu yang diimpi2kn oleh semua bakal Graduan di Malaysia dan di dunia kanzz...?

Ok! Ini menunjukan yg Chef bakal Graduate dlm mase yg terdekat nih....huhuhuee...
Gumbiranya hati beta...bila ini semua bakal jadi kenyataan setelah berkurun lamenyerr...hohoh..
yelaaa..mne xlamenyerr..dulu janji lepas 2 1/2 tahun je grad! da bertahun kowt! alasan akan convo selepas setahun plak! sangat alasan!.. never mind..putar balikan fakta! Chef faham..huh!

Btw,, the things is..i'm going to convo by next month! lect sent me a mcg by facebook to contact her ASAP to get know bout the convocation day and rehearsel by calling her as she gave her number along the conversation..
ok then,, my sista excitedly called me after 2 hours i got a mcg from my registra to inform me a formal letter from my college 'jaminan kecermelangan anda' to announce i'm one of the student will join The 17th Graduation Ceremony by 3rd and 4th May this year with extra fees that need pay by me as IPTS student..ok sabar...da bayar 20k then kene tambah another 200..?? pokai maakkkk! is okay...and i promises i'll not return to join that kind of organization and will ensure my related will not TERJEBAK with this college anymore...bukan nk burukan right...? but paham2lah!

So...i'll wait my day...and GO for ever!

Isnin, 1 April 2013

Coconut Milk Yummy!

Everytime bile post2 Chef...
mesti about makanan kan...??
so.. this time berkenan hati beta untuk post entry pasal minuman kegemaran beta plak!

bunyik mcm kampungan sngt tp...! rase ala2 British mixed ngan Mat Salleh..hahahah...mak jemah sngt!

so...nilah die Drink of The Day Chef by 1st April 2013..

Coconut Milk Shake!

Food Name :: Coconut Shake
Price :: RM 3.20
Taste  :: Cool and sweet as coconut + Choice of Ice Cream

Nampak mcm eeeuwwwwhhh,,,tp menyelerakan!
trylah skali minuman ala2 british campur ngan mat salleh ni...hahahaha

bknyerr mase Chef jalan2 shoping2..
tekak ni panas..nk crik jelly yg hadddooo Coconut Shake ni..
so...balloonn jolah yo!

So, sape yg nk mencubo,,trylah! best!

Curry Lakas Sedap!

Curry Laksa

Price :: RM 10.90++
Taste :: Spicy and sedap!
Salers :: The Chicken Rice Shop

Nah! Sape taw ni ape...??
Ofkos smuerrr org taw ni ape kn...

xpe..xpe...biar Chef gtaw...
ni lah org melayu ckp 'Curry Laksa'..omputih ckp Mee Kari..

btw,, ni laaa one of the famous noodle yg Chef suke taw...especially the 'kuah' yg pekat,likat, pedas dan sedap tuh!
Hah! korunk nk taw mne nk dptkn mee kari a.k.a Curry Laksa yg sedap...
ofkoslaaa kt The Chicken Rice  Shop..bukan sekadar nasi ayam...hahahhaa...

oppss..bkn nk promot...! tp..mmg kesahihannyerrr sedap! cubalah...
nanti gtaw Chef..sedap ke x yerrrkkk! Try ur best!